A unique approach to legal education
Custom-designed programs tailored specifically to the needs and interests of young people.
The law can protect and empower. But it can also confuse and frighten. Our programs act as a pivot point between young people and the law, distilling legal information in a way young people can understand and use.
How it Works
1. Design

Design your curriculum
Pick the topics and the skills that matter most to you. Or, select one of “classic’ programs.
2. Develop

We’ll build it
We’ll custom-design a curriculum to fit your choices. No one-size-fits all programs.
3. Deliver

Our Crew will deliver it
Our Crew will deliver your curriculum, tailoring it to your needs and requests along the way.
Designing the curriculum
Not all young people are the same. They have different priorities, needs and interests. Rather than pretend this isn’t the case, we make it a core part of our planning.
Our program is fully customisable. The topics, the stories, and the way we deliver – it all depends on the group we’re working with. We tweak what we deliver and how we deliver it to suit each group. One program might emphasise skill-building. Another prioritises decision-making and communication. It all depends on the group.
Get in touch – we’re recruiting!
The Usual Suspects
Although our curriculum is fully customisable, we have some “regulars”. Consider them the base of our classic pizza. You decide which extras you want.
Money & Fines

What do I do about public transport fines? How do I avoid fines? What if I can’t pay my phone bill? When can I get a loan?
Drugs & Alcohol

“Use”, “possession” and “trafficking” – what do these things mean? What happens if I’m caught with drugs? Can I use legally?

What is stealing? What if I only help a friend steal? What are my rights as a renter? What can’t a landlord do to me?
Police & Courts

When can police stop me? When can police search me? Can they take my phone? Am I allowed to say no to police?
We can generate content for various topics. But some of our most common “extras” include the following.
Sexual offences
Motor vehicle offences
Family Violence
Consumer Law
Employment Law